Why Apple Announcements Are So Effective →

August Mueller:

So when we watch the Microsoft keynote, we don't get excited because we know what to expect. We've learned from past behavior not to completely believe what Microsoft is selling.

And this is why so many people love what Apple delivers. When Apple gives demos of their new product, they aren't throwing in CG showing how they hope things will happen some day in the future. Instead they show the real deal. How it's being used yesterday. And it's those possibilities that get us excited. And Apple frames it so well. The product demos never show us at work (because who wants to get excited about work?), instead the demos show us how the product will be used in our life. How it can make the things we enjoy even better.

And that is probably the biggest difference between Apple and Microsoft. Apple knows when it's time to show a new product. Apple knows when something is ready for real world use, and Apple won't rush something out the door because of market pressures.

Apple is your favorite aunt or uncle, who isn't talking about crazy future ideas, but is instead showing you how to hold a pencil correctly, or a tie your shoe. Something you can do today. Apple isn't flailing about trying to grab onto whatever it can so, yelling out for attention. Apple is solid, reliable, dependable.

As an introvert, I've always loved this about Apple. They don't announce anything unless they have something worth announcing, the same way I don't say anything unless I have something worth saying.

And when Apple does speak, they speak with purpose. They speak to set expectations. They speak not to build up hype, but to paint a picture of how their products will fit into your life.