happy hour $0.30 buffalo wings fuckin' rock!!! they should call it Melvie Hour or Fatty Hour.
the waves at manhattan beach suck
josh's gf's friends are cute...especially the one with braces...
who goes to the beach with their parents?!
i caught the hot girl in my class cheating during a test...for some reason that turned me on...
kobe's staying with the lakers!!!
i downloaded the pilot episode of Joey, the friends spinoff...so far so good
i was on national tv again...i accidently stood up in front of the camera at the laker game (summer league) and the camera guy was all "GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE WAY"
rose got a henna tattoo on her lower back...and then left an imprint of it on the leather of my passenger seat...
played beer pong with chris, josh & rose...putang ina rose does NOT know how to handle beer...by far the most dramatic drunken night in the history of the world...
went to huntington with josh & rose...we saw a bulldog riding a skateboard by itself, pedaling and all!!
i found out the coolest thing today...i'm hawaiian and chinese...on my mom's side...
or at least the celebrity that you're most attracted to (if you watched Friends, you'd refer to this as "The List.") okay, now imagine you bumping into them on the street...what would you say to them?
anyways, i was at natalie's fourth of july party and out of nowhere i get a call from my kick ass cousin, rose...
Rose: hey mel, i'm at church...and guess who's here... Rose: you're precious Jasmine Trias... Rose: you wanna talk to her?? Mel:
holy balls, are you fucking kidding me?? shit...i mean, you always see on tv how girls start crying and all when people like 'nsync get on stage...and how "teeny-bopper" they call get...omg, for the first time in my life i actually felt like that...
Jasmine: hi mel, how's it going?
i can't remember exactly how the conversation went but basically i could only manage something really casual and really short. basically she was in town visiting family in cerritos (my town) and she's takin' off tomorrow to get ready for the American Idol tour. she'll be on next monday's episode of North Shore (Fox, 8pm) but she won't be singing...i was too damn shocked/nervous to think of anything funny or witty to say to her...but whatevers, that made my day my year.
ps. picture evidence (from rose's camera phone) coming soon
» moaning & making other funny noises in the bathroom...."oooooooh...it buuuuuuurns..."
» "mac & cheese for the soul"
» drunken sudheer, convinced that he's frodo and living in the world of LOTR
god, there's so many more memories that i know i'm missing...but anyways, most of all, i'm gonna miss all the cool girls and hot guys. i mean, hot guys and cool girls. hot girls and cool guys.
got pissed off the other night so i took out all of my anger @ bball & volleyball. whooped ass in bball and in volleyball i had the biggest spike evar...but that resulted in breaking a girl's thumb...